Electron optics

Electron Ptychography and Phase Retrieval in Electron Microscopy
Cryogenic electron ptychography uses coherent diffractive imaging techniques with computational iterative phase retrieval algorithms.

How Pathogens Interact with Human Cells
Our aim: To discover new ways of detecting, preventing and combatting human infectious diseases by discovering the mechanisms by which viruses and bacteria interact with human cells and tissues.

Quantitative Biology Across Scales
Our aim: To combine innovative imaging techniques and AI in ways that will allow researchers to flexibly image across large and small scales – from seeing whole organs to views of cells and the intricate structures within them – and with these, to transform how doctors treat patients.

Integrated Chemical Imaging in Cells and Tissues
Our aim: To drive innovations in mass spectrometry alongside other structural biology techniques to find out more about the role of molecules in biology so that we can better understand health and disease.

Multidimensional Imaging of Molecular Structures
Our aim: To develop new technologies to see the molecules of life and their dynamics with unprecedented detail.