Find out about the latest news, science, and events happening at the Franklin.

Uncovering the hidden lives of complex sugars with cutting-edge imaging

Welcoming Professor Helen Cooper to the Franklin

New Trustees appointed to the Franklin’s Board

New technique sheds light on how proteins organise and move on cell membranes

The Franklin’s 2024 Summer Interns

Imaging in liquid with unprecedented clarity

New collaboration with Mary Lyons Centre to develop novel radiotracers

Exploration of unwanted immune response to penicillin lays groundwork for better drug design

Collaborating to apply new imaging techniques to explore causes of neurodegenerative conditions

Biotech deal paves way for new COVID-19 treatments and more

Celebrating a petabyte of data collected at the Franklin

Llama derived nanobodies neutralising new strains of coronavirus.

First specific PET scan for TB could enable more effective treatment

A new greener chemical method for transforming native sugars

Mapping the Developing Hippocampus with Synapse Safari

New Group Leader in Next Generation Chemistry

New £125M world-first diffraction and imaging electron microscope to drive breakthroughs in UK science

Key Biosynthesis Enzyme Structurally Resolved

Annual Report 2023-2024

The Franklin announces new partnerships with two SMEs

New group leader in AI joins the Franklin

Winners of £50K Franklin research residencies announced

New Chief Operating Officer for the Franklin

New Director for the Rosalind Franklin Institute

Celebrating the third year our Artificial Intelligence and Informatics teams have hosted summer interns

The Franklin at Daresbury and Bluedot

All-in-One Platform for biomolecule analysis

Developments in cryo-electron ptychography

IMAGINE – Developing the next generation of imaging technologies