Cell Biology


Relativistic Ultrafast Electron and Diffraction Imaging facility (RUEDI)

RUEDI will be a truly unique instrument. Its ultrafast capabilities will allow structural changes in material to be observed and measured in time-resolved experiments for the first time. RUEDI will support multi-disciplinary research with five scientific themes – Dynamics of…

PhD Project Area

Cellular Compartmentalisation and Condensate Formation from Biology to Physical-Chemistry

The cellular environment is a complex mix of biomolecules that organize themselves to carry out vital physiological cell processes.

PhD Project Area

Cell-Cell Interactions

One of the biggest challenges in contemporary biology is to understand how cells integrate chemical and physical signals to drive self-assembly, which underpins the formation of complex architectures such as tissues and organs.

PhD Project Area

Cryogenic electron imaging for investigating the molecular sociology within cells and tissues

Electron imaging under cryogenic conditions allows cells and tissues to be imaged on multiple scales, with pristine preservation of fine molecular detail.

PhD Project Area

Chemical Biology

Cells rely on a range of biomolecules to maintain function and respond to change.

PhD Project Area

High Throughput discovery and molecular informatics

The diversity of biological, chemical and physical properties that naturally occurring proteins achieve are astounding.

Life Science Challenge

How Pathogens Interact with Human Cells

Our aim: To discover new ways of detecting, preventing and combatting human infectious diseases by discovering the mechanisms by which viruses and bacteria interact with human cells and tissues.