Algorithm Development

In Utero
Stillbirth is the result of varied processes taking place within both the mother’s and baby’s organs during pregnancy – a time of rapid changes.

Applied Biological Data Science
How could we build cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence tools to translate biological data into scientific insights and ultimately to guide medical decision-making?

High Throughput Discovery
The High Throughput Discovery Lab aims to accelerate the discovery of novel bioactive molecules and chemistries which enable understanding, and modulation of, biomedical mechanisms.

Image Analysis
Many different modalities lead to the generation of large amounts of 2D or 3D image data (TEM, SEM, X-ray CT, LM, etc).

Experimental Artificial Intelligence
The Franklin collects a significant amount of experimental data every year and it is paramount to the scientific process that the data collected is the best it can be.

Artificial Intelligence and Informatics for Predictive Biology
Our aim: To embed data management and science into all of our research groups to best use AI and machine learning to drive life sciences research and create new research tools.