
Dr Tobias Starborg

Senior Support Scientist

Toby completed a PhD at the University of Manchester examining collagen fibril deposition and organisation. He then worked as a post-doctoral researcher examining cell-matrix interactions before moving to work as a senior experimental officer in the Electron Microscopy Core Facility.

Toby has used and developed a number of electron microscopy and x-ray imaging techniques. Whilst working at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Matrix Research he installed and setup the second serial block face imaging microscope (SBFSEM) in the UK. Block face imaging is now one of the ‘go to’ techniques for high-resolution imaging of tissue volumes. Toby has extensive experience in low dose imaging having supported electron tomography 2D crystal and single particle projects at Manchester. At the Franklin, Toby looks after Crewe, our JEOL cryo-ARM, which is being used to test the new C100 detector (jointly developed by the Franklin, Quantum Detectors and STFC). Toby continues to pursue an interest in novel low dose imaging and information collection strategies.

Projects and Platforms