Dr Liang Wu

Liang is a Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale fellow. He is establishing a lab to study the processes involved in formation of heparan sulfate, one of the essential polysaccharide (sugar) molecules produced by the body.
He studied Medicinal Chemistry at UCL, followed by a PhD at Cambridge studying the interactions between proteins and noncoding RNAs. He then moved to York for a postdoc, investigating the structures of sugar processing enzymes and their roles in biology, which is where his interest remains today.

High Throughput Discovery
The High Throughput Discovery Lab aims to accelerate the discovery of novel bioactive molecules and chemistries which enable understanding, and modulation of, biomedical mechanisms.

Structural Glycobiology
Complex carbohydrate molecules are essential for life. These diverse structures are found on every human cell and participate in a huge range of structural and signalling functions within cells, and between cells and the extracellular matrix.