Dr Jianguo Zhang

Jianguo Zhang got his Ph.D degree at Kochi University of Technology in Japan, studying ion beam interactions with materials. He then worked at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science, China, and his major research was using the dual beam SEM equipment (SEM+FIB) to establish the workflow of preparing cryo-lamella for both cell and tissue samples and cryo-electron microscopy data collection.
At the Rosalind Franklin Institute, he is interested in the further development of the Cryo-ET relevant techniques, and combining this technology with biological questions.

Large Volume Tomography
High resolution large volume tomography with electron microscopy has the potential to transform our understanding of life, by linking the atomic and molecular structure of protein complexes in their biological context – the cell.

Biochemical Microscopy for imaging across Molecular Scales
Developing a transformative cryogenic 3D biochemical microscope, harnessing the power of high-resolution electron microscopy and mass spectrometry imaging