
Dr Emanuela Liberti

Staff Scientist
Emanuela Liberti

Emanuela’s role at the Franklin consists in designing innovative Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy imaging methods applied to the study of biological and radiation sensitive materials. Her work involves the use of new electron microscopy instrumentation and modern physical science technology like fast direct electron detectors to develop improved imaging capabilities at high spatial and temporal resolution and low dose. Her research interests include the development of 4D STEM electron ptychography, TEM fast focal and tilt series reconstruction, computational imaging processing and quantitative electron microscopy.

Before joining the Franklin, Emanuela was a Research Assistant in the Oxford Electron Image Analysis Group, in the Materials Department at the University of Oxford, and a Staff Scientist of the electron Physical Science Imaging Centre at Diamond Light Source. Her research focused on the development of STEM quantitative imaging techniques, including phase retrieval methods like 4D STEM electron ptychography and HRTEM exit wavefunction restoration. At ePSIC, she helped with the maintenance and development of aberration-corrected STEM instruments, the execution and design of experiments for users. She worked with a wide variety of materials, including nanoparticle catalysts, batteries and other energy storage materials.

Since 2013, she holds a PhD in Materials Science from Imperial College London, with a thesis on structural characterisation of oxide nanoparticles using high-resolution STEM.

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