Dr Elaine Ho

Elaine is a Research Software Engineer for Imaging. She completed her PhD in biomedical imaging at the University of Southampton, where she developed tools for correlative imaging of biological specimens with X-ray micro-computed tomography and light microscopy. Elaine works on the Electrifying Life Sciences project at the Franklin, developing software tools for evaluating, processing, and interpreting cryo-electron microscopy data. Her research interests lie in collaborating across traditional discipline boundaries to develop user-friendly bioimage analysis tools, which help researchers turn microscopy data into real-world answers to our biological questions.

Advanced Research Computing
The Franklin develops state of the art digital infrastructure to enable cutting edge research. Our interdisciplinary research generates a variety of data structures and sizes that all need to be stored, curated and process to give data driven insights.

Digital Twin Cell
Creating a digital replica of a living cell enabling researchers to perform virtual experiments and gain valuable insights into cell biology.