Dr Avery Pennington
Avery is a researcher specializing in image segmentation and bio-image analysis. She completed her PhD at the University of Dundee focusing on developing image analysis pipelines for studying the growth of root systems over time. She has worked in industry as a machine learning engineer and for several years at Diamond Light Source as a Data Analysis Scientist and software engineer. She specialises in applying machine learning to segmentation and image analysis problems and in developing software to make the analysis of volumetric images easier for scientists.

Machine Vision for Bioimaging
Many biological questions can only be answered through visualisation. Seeing is believing, however seeing something that is biologically interesting usually also requires image processing to turn that qualitative observation into quantitative information.

In Utero
Stillbirth is the result of varied processes taking place within both the mother’s and baby’s organs during pregnancy – a time of rapid changes.

Citizen Science
People-powered research, or citizen science, is the participation of non-experts in scientific research. There are many ways to take part in citizen science, but one popular way is through the Zooniverse platform.