Professor Andrew Baldwin

Andrew is Head of Biomolecular NMR and Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oxford. He is interested in developing cutting edge NMR spectroscopy methods to improve our understanding of how proteins and cells function in health and disease, focusing on amyloid formation, inhibition and links to neurodgeneration and phase separation and membraneless organelle formation.
Andrew studied Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge. He continued at Cambridge, where he went on to complete his PhD in the laboratory of Chris Dobson in the department of Chemistry, studying the biophysical properties of amyloid fibrils. He then moved to Toronto to develop novel NMR techniques for studying protein dynamics under Prof Lewis Kay. This work was subsequently recognised by a presentation of a Harrison-Meldola medal in 2013. Since September 2012, Andrew has been part of Oxford Chemistry as both a BBSRC David Phillip’s fellow and a Fitzjames fellow of Merton College. He is currently Professor in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, and a fellow of Pembroke College. He was awarded the 2016 BRSG-NMRDG NMR prize for ‘excellence in magnetic resonance’ and the 2020 Norman Heatley Award.