Find out about the latest news, science, and events happening at the Franklin.

Commissioning Call for Chameleon Cryo-EM Freezing Device

An Update on The Franklin COVID-19 Work

PhD Studentships at The Franklin

The Franklin is collaborating on a new £4m high performance computing facility

Franklin staff are the first users of Diamond’s new J08 branchline

Funding awarded to develop a vaccine against HIV

New Grant will Electrify Life Sciences with Breakthrough Technologies

Franklin Centenary Competition Winners Announced

Next major milestone reached on The Franklin Hub building

New tool opens the door to light driven in-cell chemistry

Scientists design light-activated catalysis system for use in protein editing

Prestigious medal awarded to Franklin theme lead

Introducing Dr Bela Paizs, Head of Molecular Structure Elucidation

Scientists publish first description of enzyme with potential for synthesis of new antiviral drugs

Institute celebrates Rosalind Franklin Centenary

Engineered llama antibodies neutralise COVID-19 virus

Superior imaging with cryo-ptychography

Franklin 100 News

UK consortium launches COVID-19 Protein Portal

Science Minister Hails Nanobody Breakthrough at Franklin

Introducing our Head of Mechanistic Proteomics, Professor Shabaz Mohammed

Creating a Molecular Movie

The Franklin’s COVID-19 work

Annual Report 2019-2020

Opening up cryoEM: The Rosalind Franklin Institute commits to fund new detector for lower energy cryoEM

Viewing ‘naked’ DNA

Engaging local schools

Update on COVID-19 and Franklin offices

New Dale Fellow to explore production of vital carbohydrate molecules