Celebrating the third year our Artificial Intelligence and Informatics teams have hosted summer interns
We are delighted that the Franklin’s Artificial Intelligence and Informatics team have been able to host interns for a third summer. This internship is part of the wider Health Data Research intern scheme which recruits interns through the 10,000 interns foundation to tackle the underrepresentation of Black people in research (find out more here).

This year our interns, Dolapo Adebo and Netochukwu Onyiaji, are working on a project using Artificial Intelligence methods to improve the quality of volumetric data produced by tomography instruments at the Franklin. In particular, they created software that allows users to compare different volumetric data using multiple metrics.
At the halfway point of their internships, we asked them some questions about their experience so far.
Dolapo Adebo is currently reading a Master’s in Data Science at Manchester Metropolitan University. When asked what he has enjoyed the most about his internship so far, he said “ To also be able to visit the tomography labs at the Franklin and see the real-life impact of the work we’ve been doing has been wild.”
Netochukwu Onyiaji recently completed a Masters in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics from the University of Bradford after graduating with a Masters in Mathematics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. When asked if this experience has influenced his career aspirations “Our supervisors Laura and Dimitrios have shown us a definite path and really broaden our minds to what we can do in the future.”
Finally, we asked Dr Dimitrios Bellos (Research software engineer and supervisor for the internship programme) about his experience as a supervisor. “Dolapo and Netochukwu have really blown my expectations and have achieved so much in four short weeks. They have learnt so much included creating software, editing sustainably and about all the research at the Franklin. The project they have been working isn’t just something that was made for them for educational purposes but is something we will be using going forward to support research at the Franklin”.