Technology Innovation Challenges
The technologies developed at the Franklin are pushing the boundaries to transform our understanding of life. We work with our communities to redefine and rethink how we tackle big questions to create radical innovations in technology.
“We are given opportunities to work closely with industry to develop new technologies from concept designs, to novel instruments able to drive life sciences discovery.”

Artificial Intelligence and Informatics for Predictive Biology
Our aim: To embed data management and science into all of our research groups to best use AI and machine learning to drive life sciences research and create new research tools.

Molecular Perturbations: Chemistry Engineering Biology
Our aim: To use innovative chemistries to better understand and modulate the molecules of life.

Integrated Chemical Imaging in Cells and Tissues
Our aim: To drive innovations in mass spectrometry alongside other structural biology techniques to find out more about the role of molecules in biology so that we can better understand health and disease.

Multidimensional Imaging of Molecular Structures
Our aim: To develop new technologies to see the molecules of life and their dynamics with unprecedented detail.