Nanobodies Discovery Platform

Status: Online

Nanobodies are single domain antibodies derived from the unique heavy chain only immunoglobulins of camels, llamas, and alpacas.

Their small molecular size, high affinity and stability combine to make them unique targeting reagents with multiple applications in the biomedical sciences, including super-resolution microscopy and non-invasive imaging. ​


In structural biology, the use of nanobodies has been transformative enabling the analysis of complex macromolecules including integral membrane proteins.​

At the Franklin we have streamlined the generation and characterisation of nanobodies and are applying the technology to the diagnosis and treatment of emerging viral pathogens.​

Future developments will focus on the application of machine learning to the engineering of nanobodies to improve affinity and predicting binding epitopes.

For details of our nanobody protocols go to

Through collaborative projects we aim to increase access to nanobodies for the UK research community.


Contact information

Challenge Lead