These technologies will allow us to develop pioneering techniques, which will allow us to see molecules at greater resolution with low levels of multiple signals, which will allow us to see molecules in-situ inside a cell. We will also be able to capture the movements of these molecules.

Cryogenic Electron Microscope (cryoARM)
Crewe is a first-generation cryogenic electron microscope based on JEOL’s atomic resolution microscope platform (ARM).

Chromatic Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscope
Knoll, the first chromatic aberration-corrected electron microscope in the UK, will push the current resolution limits for biological samples by correcting energy variations in the electron beam. This allows detailed imaging of thicker and liquid samples, benefiting biology by enabling…

Aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope
Ruska is an aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope (TEM) used to explore novel methods to study radiation sensitive specimens such as biological materials that have been cryogenically preserved or encapsulated in liquid for dynamic observations.