Advanced Research Computing

Status: Online

The Franklin develops state of the art digital infrastructure to enable cutting edge research. Our interdisciplinary research generates a variety of data structures and sizes that all need to be stored, curated and process to give data driven insights.

Much of the science done at the Franklin has complex computational needs. Running a flexible and scalable digital infrastructure allows scientists to process their data in a variety of ways and on-demand.


The digital infrastructure at the Franklin uses the Openstack Cloud project run by our partners STFC. This provides powerful virtual machines for compute including the latest GPU cards and large scratch storage systems.  STFC provides data storage through Ceph Echo, a large object store, suitable for storing petabytes of scientific data. 

We use Globus to provide fast transfer of multi-terabyte datasets from instruments to our cloud Virtual Machines and High-Performance Computing clusters. This allows for rapid analysis of data and a quicker time to science. Globus is also used to share large datasets easily between research institutes.

Using this cloud. we develop and maintain a Kubernetes cluster which is used to support our workloads, microservices and other deployments. We use Argo Workflows on this platform to provide automated pipelines for scientific data management. These pipelines include automatically capturing scientific metadata to improve the reproducibility of our data and to curate our data asset in line with OpenFAIR. 

Development Partner


Development Partner


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Contact information

Head of Research Software Engineering