Developing new technologies to address life science challenges

By gathering experts from the fields of physics, chemistry, computer science and biology to work in agile teams, we can create our innovative new technologies. Through this work, we can accelerate life science discovery for human health.

Paul Matthews

Our challenges are unashamedly ambitious. We are striving to develop techniques that push the boundaries of what is possible in biological imaging and biochemistry to tackle the biggest challenges in health and life sciences.

Institute director

We work to create innovative new technologies and address our life science challenges in partnership with our communities.

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Technology Innovations Life Science Challenges

Our Platforms

World-class innovative new technology development requires long-term investment. Our platforms represent the outcomes of this investment, displaying the range of the infrastructure and technology platforms being utilised at the Franklin through our projects and collaborations.

Our Research Projects

Our highly collaborative and interdisciplinary projects are the key packages of work at the Franklin. Through these projects we create momentum to tackle the big questions and challenges.