Why we collaborate

We believe that challenges are best tackled in collaboration. We work with academia and industry, both in the UK and Internationally, to tackle our Life Science Challenges and develop our Technology Innovations.

Our collaborations are bespoke and we actively seek partners whose interests are aligned with our challenges and innovations. Routes to collaboration include sponsored research, studentships, collaborative grants, training on advanced techniques and we are also happy to act as a hub for multi-party collaborations.

  • £ 266 million
    Value of collaborative research projects at The Franklin
  • 34
    Countries worldwide with active Franklin research partnerships
  • 85 %
    Of research grants involve collaboration with external partners
The Franklin in the Biotech Landscape 

A culture of collaboration

Innovate and discover together

By collaborating, we can help solve your research challenges by utilising our technologies, expertise and a fresh perspective.

Creative approach to challenges

Sometimes problems can’t be tackled using existing approaches. By bringing together different scientific disciplines and ideas, we encourage out of the box thinking to generate new ideas and approaches, to support the answering of important research questions.

Dynamic skills hub

We are home to a wealth of scientific expertise. Tap into a pipeline of emerging talent and seasoned experts who develop cutting-edge technologies to address current and future challenges across health and life science.

A vibrant collaborative eco-system

Our home on the Harwell Campus places us at the heart of one of the largest and fastest growing science campuses in the world. We have close links to major national infrastructures on the UKRI-STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, including Diamond Light Source.

Collaborate with us

Are you interested in collaborating with the Franklin? We can help you to develop relationships and connect with the right people. We are seeking partners whose research interests align with our Life Science Challenges and Technology Innovation Challenges. Get in touch with the team:

or contact Dan McManus:

Business Development and Stakeholder Engagement Officer

Featured partnerships

The Franklin’s partnerships are essential for leveraging complementary strengths and achieving shared goals. They enable us and our partners to access new resources, drive forward innovation and expand our reach in ways that might not be possible individually.

Discover our partnerships

Case studies

The Franklin achieves its goals through collaborative working. Together we are able to address real-world challenges. Our work creates lasting impact and benefits for both ourselves and our partners. These case studies outline just some of the examples of these collaborative projects at the Franklin.

Commercial opportunities

The Franklin is committed to maximising the societal and economic impact of our research. The Franklin has a portfolio of intellectual property, which can be offered for commercial use under license – check out more at Commercial Opportunities.

Find out more

Open Science

We support the wider research community by sharing our insights, data and tools as openly as possible with the research community.

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