Chemical Biology

Cells rely on a range of biomolecules to maintain function and respond to change.

Applications for 2025/2026 cohot are now closed. Please check the website in October 2025, when will be opening applications for 2026/ 2027 cohort.

There are highly complex interdependent relationships between these biomolecules that are also incredibly dynamic.  Key nodes or certain biomoelcules are key in specific circumstances.  Monitoring or modulating the status (of e,g. a kinase) allows substantial insight or remedy of cellular behaviour (i.e. disease), respectively. Our groups develop a range of molecular biological and chemical approaches to monitor and/or modulate a protein’s structure in cellulo or in vivo. Often, approaches are developed to allow heightened detection within the cell/tissue and its partners by techniques such as Cryo-ET/EM, PET, EPR, NMR, Raman and Mass Spectrometry.