Molecular Biology


Structural Glycobiology

Complex carbohydrate molecules are essential for life. These diverse structures are found on every human cell and participate in a huge range of structural and signalling functions within cells, and between cells and the extracellular matrix.


Electron Detector Development

Atomic resolution imaging with electrons causes sample damage. The information per unit of damage is dependent on sample thickness and beam energy.


3D Protein Atlas of Brain

Native ambient mass spectrometry (NAMS) is an emerging technology which offers unprecedented potential for integration of spatial and structural biology – it promises major advances in molecular pathology and drug discovery.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

NMR spectroscopy is the only experiment that gives combined structural and dynamical information of molecules at atomic resolution, in solution. It is widely used for routine characterisation of molecules and is vital for chemical analysis.


Nanobodies Discovery Platform

Nanobodies are single domain antibodies derived from the unique heavy chain only immunoglobulins of camels, llamas, and alpacas.


Chromatic Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscope

Knoll, the first chromatic aberration-corrected electron microscope in the UK, will push the current resolution limits for biological samples by correcting energy variations in the electron beam. This allows detailed imaging of thicker and liquid samples, benefiting biology by enabling…


Native ambient mass spectrometry

Native ambient mass spectrometry (NAMS) combines spatial and structural biology by enabling untargeted label-free interrogation of proteins in their functional form directly from their physiological environment.

PhD Project Area

Chemical Biology

Cells rely on a range of biomolecules to maintain function and respond to change.

PhD Project Area

High Throughput discovery and molecular informatics

The diversity of biological, chemical and physical properties that naturally occurring proteins achieve are astounding.

Technology Innovation Challenge

Integrated Chemical Imaging in Cells and Tissues

Our aim: To drive innovations in mass spectrometry alongside other structural biology techniques to find out more about the role of molecules in biology so that we can better understand health and disease.