
Structural Neurobiology
Developing cutting edge techniques to image structures in the brain on the molecular scale so we can identify early structural changes leading to disease onset.

Structural Glycobiology
Complex carbohydrate molecules are essential for life. These diverse structures are found on every human cell and participate in a huge range of structural and signalling functions within cells, and between cells and the extracellular matrix.

Developing a novel technique using cryo-electron ptychography to perform tomographic characterisation of biological processes at cellular scales, enabling detailed study of rare and complex structures in their native environments.

Biochemical Microscopy for imaging across Molecular Scales
Developing a transformative cryogenic 3D biochemical microscope, harnessing the power of high-resolution electron microscopy and mass spectrometry imaging

Large Volume Tomography
High resolution large volume tomography with electron microscopy has the potential to transform our understanding of life, by linking the atomic and molecular structure of protein complexes in their biological context – the cell.

Cellular Compartmentalisation and Condensate Formation from Biology to Physical-Chemistry
The cellular environment is a complex mix of biomolecules that organize themselves to carry out vital physiological cell processes.

Cell-Cell Interactions
One of the biggest challenges in contemporary biology is to understand how cells integrate chemical and physical signals to drive self-assembly, which underpins the formation of complex architectures such as tissues and organs.

Defining how Cells and Pathogens Interact
An essential requirement for rational development of antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections is the understanding of mechanisms that drive pathogenesis.

Cryogenic electron imaging for investigating the molecular sociology within cells and tissues
Electron imaging under cryogenic conditions allows cells and tissues to be imaged on multiple scales, with pristine preservation of fine molecular detail.

How Pathogens Interact with Human Cells
Our aim: To discover new ways of detecting, preventing and combatting human infectious diseases by discovering the mechanisms by which viruses and bacteria interact with human cells and tissues.